Source code for pygmt

PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making
publication quality maps and figures. It provides a Pythonic interface for the
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), a command-line program widely used in the Earth
Sciences. Besides making GMT more accessible to new users, PyGMT aims to
provide integration with the PyData ecosystem as well as support for rich
display in Jupyter notebooks.

Main Features
Here are just a few of the things that PyGMT does well:

  - Easy handling of individual types of data like Cartesian, geographic, or
    time-series data.
  - Processing of (geo)spatial data including gridding, filtering, and masking
  - Allows plotting of a large spectrum of objects on figures including
    lines, vectors, polygons, and symbols (pre-defined and customized)
  - Generate publication-quality illustrations and make animations

import atexit as _atexit

from pkg_resources import get_distribution

# Import modules to make the high-level GMT Python API
from pygmt import datasets
from pygmt.accessors import GMTDataArrayAccessor
from pygmt.figure import Figure, set_display
from pygmt.session_management import begin as _begin
from pygmt.session_management import end as _end
from pygmt.src import (

# Get semantic version through setuptools-scm
__version__ = f'v{get_distribution("pygmt").version}'  # e.g. v0.1.2.dev3+g0ab3cd78
__commit__ = __version__.split("+g")[-1] if "+g" in __version__ else ""  # 0ab3cd78

# Start our global modern mode session
# Tell Python to run _end when shutting down

[docs]def show_versions(): """ Prints various dependency versions useful when submitting bug reports. This includes information about: - PyGMT itself - System information (Python version, Operating System) - Core dependency versions (Numpy, Pandas, Xarray, etc) - GMT library information """ import importlib import platform import subprocess import sys def _get_module_version(modname): """ Get version information of a Python module. """ try: if modname in sys.modules: module = sys.modules[modname] else: module = importlib.import_module(modname) try: return module.__version__ except AttributeError: return module.version except ImportError: return None def _get_ghostscript_version(): """ Get ghostscript version. """ os_name = sys.platform if os_name.startswith(("linux", "freebsd", "darwin")): cmds = ["gs"] elif os_name == "win32": cmds = ["gswin64c.exe", "gswin32c.exe"] else: return None for gs_cmd in cmds: try: version = subprocess.check_output( [gs_cmd, "--version"], universal_newlines=True ).strip() return version except FileNotFoundError: continue return None def _get_gmt_version(): """ Get GMT version. """ try: version = subprocess.check_output( ["gmt", "--version"], universal_newlines=True ).strip() return version except FileNotFoundError: return None sys_info = { "python": sys.version.replace("\n", " "), "executable": sys.executable, "machine": platform.platform(), } deps = ["numpy", "pandas", "xarray", "netCDF4", "packaging"] print("PyGMT information:") print(f" version: {__version__}") print("System information:") for key, val in sys_info.items(): print(f" {key}: {val}") print("Dependency information:") for modname in deps: print(f" {modname}: {_get_module_version(modname)}") print(f" ghostscript: {_get_ghostscript_version()}") print(f" gmt: {_get_gmt_version()}") print_clib_info()
[docs]def test(doctest=True, verbose=True, coverage=False, figures=True): """ Run the test suite. Uses `pytest <>`__ to discover and run the tests. If you haven't already, you can install it with `conda <>`__ or `pip <>`__. Parameters ---------- doctest : bool If ``True``, will run the doctests as well (code examples that start with a ``>>>`` in the docs). verbose : bool If ``True``, will print extra information during the test run. coverage : bool If ``True``, will run test coverage analysis on the code as well. Requires ``pytest-cov``. figures : bool If ``True``, will test generated figures against saved baseline figures. Requires ``pytest-mpl`` and ``matplotlib``. Raises ------ AssertionError If pytest returns a non-zero error code indicating that some tests have failed. """ import pytest show_versions() package = __name__ args = [] if verbose: args.append("-vv") if coverage: args.append("--cov={}".format(package)) args.append("--cov-report=term-missing") if doctest: args.append("--doctest-modules") if figures: args.append("--mpl") args.append("--pyargs") args.append(package) status = pytest.main(args) assert status == 0, "Some tests have failed."